As you reflect on your own life and those lives in which you contributed to helping to find their own life purposes may you remember …Life is a journey.ย
The story isn’t over.ย Thisย is just a part.
If I had given up on the times that seemed the hardest and the most impossible to overcome, I would have never discovered a need greater than myself.ย
Usually, when we discover a need greater than ourselves it is there that we also discover our life purpose.ย
I began my investment in the adoption world with so much hope and enthusiasm. My desire was to be a voice for women who have placed a child for adoption and ensure that she receives the NECESSARY post-adoption care.ย
I wanted… or better yet ….I insisted.. that HER voice is heard. That the adoption plan INCLUDE her POST adoption care afterward.
I made some waves. Some bigger than others.
I had some personal setbacks. Some bigger than others.
I had to walk my own personal journey while doing so.
At this mile marker, I find…..ย I’m still filled with so much hope and enthusiasm.
I fully intend to make some more BIG waves and more than likely I will experience a few more personal setbacks.
But such is life. It’s a Journey and as such I will keep showing up and actively being a part of how it all unfolds.
I hope you will do the same as well.ย
Whether life finds you at the beginning of the adoption journey or at the end may you never lose hope. May you also remember this is a part. At the time you needed to make a decision for your child’s future you made the best decision available to you at that time. The story doesn’t end there. You can decide which storyline you want to go with next.
Will it be a life that continues to blame and hold unforgiveness towards yourself because you wish you knew then what you know now?ย
Will, you lovingly forgive yourself for not knowing then what you know now and use that knowledge to create a life that is a beautiful one. One that your child can look up to and see an emotionally healthy mama who has more chapters in her story to live out.
For my story, Somehow- someway in the midst of working that all out for myself, something beautiful was birthed.
The Post Adoption Journey.ย
It’s a legacy to other birth moms that I know was inspired to happen. It took years of research and compilation and it is almost ready to be set off into the world.
If this one small yet mighty person can find her way then so can you.
I struggled greatly to find my own voice and in that struggle, I was able to give other women a voice too.
So on this birthday, I send off into the Universe my greatest of intentions and hope for birth moms everywhere.ย
Your story is not over. Go inward and make growth and healing a priority in your life. Then reach outward and bless those on your trail.
Happy Birthday to each of us!! May today birth within you the desire to keep on keeping on.
The Best is Yet to Come……<3 <3ย