My Birth Mom Was a Strong Woman

Grayscale Portrait of Woman

Dear Birthmother,

Hey there, I’m not a birth mom but I hope you don’t mind my writing. My birth mother gave me up for adoption when she was in her early twenties and out of options. It took her years to deal with losing me, and she never had another daughter. 20 years later we are in each others lives once again, but during the first visit she had a look in her eyes. She kept explaining why she did what she did, but I always knew it took a love unlike any other to do what she did. I wish she had read this back then, she was on her own for a very long time. You will never meet a stronger woman. You will never meet a stronger woman than any birth mother.

Dear Wise Loving Adoptee,

I am so thrilled that you wrote and hope to hear from many other kindred adoptees as a result. Your voices are so important and you too have amazing strength. Such strength that allows you to view your mothers experience from this loving and selfless perspective and as a result you are actually mirroring her love for you and that in turn brings you both mutual joy and healing. I am so happy for you! Thanks so much for sharing..xo

Much love to you,

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