Lisa’s Adoption Story

“Open adoption was one of the toughest/smartest decisions I have ever made.. I love watching my daughter grow and seeing how adored she is with her adoptive family.. I love knowing she is with the most loving people and living better than I could have raised her at this point in my life. I am…

Do the Necessary Research for Your Adoption Plan

Many times when we are faced with a problem that feels too big to solve, we avoid it. We keep our heads low and stay in the dark as long as possible. This is true for many women who find out that they are pregnant and are faced with the reality that their lifestyle or situation is not conducive to that of healthy child raising.

A New Year and New Promises for Birth Moms Today

A do-over is on the way... You are not alone if you are feeling the frustration of another year gone accompanied with the relief that a new one is approaching. Post adoption life can be a roller coaster of a ride leaving you wondering if you will ever feel stable again. It is not uncommon to look at the time gone by and think that maybe you should be in a different place in your life right now.

DIY Guide To Getting Through the Holidays When You Really Just Want to Hide Under the Tree. -Holiday Cheat Sheet for Birth Moms

Holidays get togethers can bring many questions for birth mothers like... Will I be able to hold Aunt Susan's baby without crying this year? What if someone asks me where my baby is? How much should I share about my recent adoption and with whom?

My Adoption Story

Podcast by Birth Mom Founder, Kim Noeth.  My Adoption Story.


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