Lisa’s Adoption Story

“Open adoption was one of the toughest/smartest decisions I have ever made.. I love watching my daughter grow and seeing how adored she is with her adoptive family.. I love knowing she is with the most loving people and living better than I could have raised her at this point in my life. I am in no way looking for sympathy by posting this… it took me a year to even decide to post about her on social media bcuz I know how negative and hurtful people can be.. I have finally gotten to a point where I am at complete peace with my decision and to where I can finally look at new pictures of her without crying.. (tears of joy) ? I just hope one day I can be supportive to another birth mother and help guide her in her decision to place a child.. I am forever grateful for my family for always being there for me through everything! I couldn’t have done any of this without God himself.. he has made me a much stronger woman and I am very thankful ? mommy Lisa will love you forever, Avalynn. You are my sunshine! ☀️”

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